41.  Artists in every field are repeatedly advised that if they aspire to popularity and financial success, they should find a distinctive style.

42.  Arzaga was stabbed repeatedly, but ran for nearly a mile.

43.  Devi, who was from a lower caste, had been held captive in Behmai and raped repeatedly.

44.  Daniel Vasella, the chief executive designate of Novartis, has repeatedly said he expects U.S. authorities' approval of the planned union in late autumn this year.

45.  Darden repeatedly described Simpson as a powerful time bomb with a long, slow-burning fuse.

46.  DiCarlo, the son of former state Assemblyman Dominick J. DiCarlo, has tangled repeatedly with Bramwell.

47.  Devotees of the show attend repeatedly and exhibit the zealous devotion of ... well, cultists.

48.  Despite Republican accusations that he had broken the law, Gore repeatedly said Monday that "no controlling legal authority or case" suggested he had done so.

49.  Despite strong conservative backing, universal proposals have repeatedly lost political battles.

50.  Daschle and Gephardt have led the Democratic charge against the Bush tax cut, repeatedly arguing that it shortchanges middle- and working-class families.

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