1.  As a boy, Taylor had been in the crowd when they hauled the bodies of Bonnie and Clyde through the streets of nearby Arcadia.

2.  Cue: faintest of grins.

3.  Desalinization of saltwater, for example, is horrendously expensive and produces large quantities of brine, which can be difficult to dispose of in an environmentally sound fashion.

4.  Describing his assailants with a racial slur, he said, "This situation is what everybody lives in fear of."

5.  Descriptive phrases like "inspired by" or "reminiscent of" tip the buyer to a trade show origin.

6.  Designer Craig Duncan juxtaposes a pair of leather club chairs with a wall-hung antique quilt.

7.  Designs for bills of lesser denominations will be introduced one at a time _ about every 12 months _ starting with the $50 bill in early 1997.

8.  Cunanan apparently left his hometown of San Diego in late April, telling friends he had some business to take care of in Minneapolis.

9.  Deprived of sleep and lonely for home, they were introduced to military life by somebody barking orders.

10.  Delius sang his dictation in a near-monotone that Fenby at first found almost impossible to make sense of.

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