61.  Every year there are some students whose life is not that wealthy.

62.  Their only duty is to study and to get A in majors.

63.  Though the university is a place for study, I think we still need to observe the world and learn how to get on with others.

64.  When people in other departments found DII students could hold activities well, when we found that top students were also Dota masters, when we heard the dialogue on The World is Flat between two of the staff in libraries, the net of stereotyping on campus gradually decayed and we could see a brighter and broader world in front of us.

65.  Stereotypes on campus\

66.  One of the stereotypes is that the life is leisurely and carefree in university.

67.  However, the stereotype of easy life in universities is the most monstrous lie in the world.

68.  The life is much more tough and challenging than we ever expected.

69.  It is hard to find a boy major on liberal arts as people stereotype against boys have better science abilities.

70.  Once, I asked a friend who is a boy majored on arts whether the stereotype influenced their choices.

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