31.  As a result, being admitted to prestigious university is a dream for students in developing areas.

32.  When students enter university, the discrimination is continuing.

33.  The place where a student's residence is registered is important in applying for the Party, handling insurance and even student cadres' voting.

34.  There is a mass of stereotypes on campus and I just list 3 of them.

35.  As a place where the most creative human beings gather, school is almost changing every minute.

36.  The sparks of brainstorm is shining everywhere, including the worst remarkable classrooms.

37.  In fact, there are also many stereotypes on campus, which is hard to move.

38.  The first stereotype jumps into my mind is our English classes.

39.  This is my third semester to take these classes, but I've gotten more and more puzzled.

40.  When the class atmosphere is depressing, movies work.

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