91.  It is much more eye-catching when the bright sunshine goes through the leaves and shadows on the building.

92.  Now the campus is used as a public relaxing area and full of joy.

93.  Nanjing foreign language middle school is the best foreign language school in Jiangsu province.

94.  What's more, it is said that a great many students in their school are admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University!

95.  Big city is not mythology; well-known school is not mythology; they "God's favored sons" are not mythology.

96.  Different people hold different attitudes to others, and this is the stereotype in our life.

97.  As a part of the society, university is also the hotbed of stereotype.

98.  There is a saying goes that nothing gallant, non-evil that is stealing!

99.  It is just an interesting phenomenon in our campus.

100.  I have to say that is a quite fallacious stereotyping and it is hard for those people with breadth of vision to accept.

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