81.  As a result, badly needed food and other supplies were either unavailable or unaffordable across much of the country.

82.  Does he regret finding many of his creations demolished or badly altered?

83.  Does that reflect badly on us?

84.  Doggett narrowly won the primary, and then was beaten badly by Gramm, who had the considerable help of Republican Ronald Reagan's re-election landslide.

85.  Dirk Nowitzki glanced at the final stat sheet and frowned when he saw how badly the Timberwolves beat Dallas on the boards.

86.  Dole, meanwhile, who continues to trail badly in national polls, flailed out in frustration at his evident lack of headway in the race.

87.  Dole, who finished second, emerged from the campaign badly bruised by the Forbes television blitz.

88.  Discard badly damaged rhizomes.

89.  Discontent has been spreading in southeastern Nigeria, where the oil is produced but which has been badly neglected by the northern military rulers.

90.  Discounting the strike's effects, truck sales rose just 1.5 percent, since they were hurt worst by the strike, said Dean Rotondo, a GM spokesman.

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