21.  As a male colleague put it, during one's second decade on Earth there is a carefree sense you can't screw up too badly.

22.  Despite the loss, the sale will generate badly needed cash.

23.  Despite the more cordial atmosphere in the Senate, many of the partisan differences that so badly split the House exist below the surface in the Senate.

24.  Despite their huge budget, the tobacco interests have stumbled badly in the campaign against the tax.

25.  Derek Fisher, Rick Fox and Robert Horry are getting beaten off the dribble badly by younger, quicker players like Hedo Turkoglu, Mike Bibby and Bobby Jackson.

26.  Despite their good intentions, many end up worse off.

27.  Deutsche Telekom, the German telephone company that has wanted so badly to be a "global player," suggested Thursday that it was narrowing its ambitions.

28.  Deutsche Telekom, which has considerable political influence, badly wants to complete the sale and reduce a heavy debt load.

29.  Dalton, who said he idolized Hearns while growing up, admitted he was in over his head _ even against a badly faded champion.

30.  Development is accelerating the damage, they said, and federal policies are making the situation worse, not better.

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