71.  Do you think two-thirds of both houses of Congress _ the vote required to override a veto _ will admit so soon that they blundered badly?

72.  Decisive Game 5 is scheduled for a 2 p.m. start tomorrow in Salt Lake City, with Barkley and his badly bruised right arm questionable.

73.  Do they seem to make your vision worse?

74.  Do you have any idea why British bands have done so badly in the States?

75.  Do you want to be president so badly to put up with this significant gauntlet that you have to go through?"

76.  Doctors are also often reluctant to prescribe antidepressant medication for fear it will interact badly with painkillers or other medication the patient is receiving.

77.  Deep down, though, there is no question how badly Johnson wants to be back out on the mound, a starter.

78.  Dodgers manager Bill Russell was impressed with the fact Murray wanted to play badly enough to report to Albuquerque.

79.  Does this end badly, or do they throw in the towel and move on?"

80.  Dogs love to jump but can land badly and break a leg.

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