1.   Crisis never acknowledged my letter or printed a retraction.

2.   It is as if the war, crisis, living hell or chaotic backwater can never be known and will never end.

3.   Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.

4.   Crisis was most likely in certain circumstances.

5.   Crisis again, can be very worrying as you go through it.

6.   Amur Abdullah from Ilford in Essex is one of the first British adult hostages to be released from the country since the Gulf crisis began.

7.   Among measures being discussed while the Florida crisis drags on is a standardized ballot for each electoral race.

8.   And as the California crisis has worsened, the commissioners have begun sparring publicly among themselves about what to do.

9.   And it potentially is more serious than the U.S. banking crisis during the Depression, experts say.

10.   And search for a new director who will bring order rather than rely on crisis to manage.

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