11.   Are we now at risk of a third oil crisis?

12.   As crisis follows crisis in ex-Yugoslavia, one part of it, Slovenia, goes from strength to strength.

13.   As the day progressed, the West Wing was transformed by the taut, herky-jerky atmosphere of crisis, conflicting information, closed doors, and tears.

14.   At crisis hot lines, too, the terrorism, at least initially, brought an eerie lull.

15.   At the Carter Center in Atlanta, for instance, former President Jimmy Carter has concentrated on crisis resolution and health initiatives for Africa.

16.   Because of low rainfall, the productivity of those plants are threatened, and the problem is approaching what some consider crisis levels.

17.   A. Anything more would be triggered by inflation, poor performance by financial markets or a financial market crisis.

18.   Against this difficult backdrop, President Clinton is seeking once again to re-assert his authority as a broker of this conflict turned crisis.

19.   But clearly, momentum has gone and crisis is brewing.

20.   But crisis can open the way for change.

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