1.   As the recent months had passed, and as Louise had sickened, he felt the guilt more frequently.

2.   But in recent months top military commanders have dispatched a message of their own to the president.

3.   But the succession of financial scandals involving the president in recent months has discredited the office of president.

4.   But with the significant exception of presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, few prominent Republicans have addressed those issues in recent months.

5.   Caesar Belli, a longtime partner in the firm, alleged in recent months that his father was incompetent.

6.   Credit quality has deteriorated rapidly in recent months, both for Marketable debt and for bank loans.

7.   Food prices have increased rapidly in recent months.

8.   Gas prices have continued to fluctuate in recent months.

9.   He had started to drink heavily in recent months.

a. + month >>共 211
recent 27.97%
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