1.   And I began to discover some recent local history as I delved deeper into this pit of hell.

2.   As recent history has shown, a sudden rise in orders does not necessarily herald an immediate and sharp rise in output.

3.   Before it is all forgotten, let us reclaim the recent history of early childhood education.

4.   Bush was probably more upset by leaks than any president in recent history.

5.   Cultural predisposition Recognition that cultural pressures on women to diet contribute to anorexia nervosa has had a fairly recent history.

6.   Each rotunda was devoted to a different aspect of recent Czech history.

7.   Here discoveries are exhibited which send back all recent history to the level of a prehistory.

8.   If the Raiders were truly feeble, devoid of talent, then their recent history might be understandable.

9.   In recent history, the existence of prejudice has led to violence and genocide.

10.   It was the most important disavowal consensus politics in recent history.

a. + history >>共 692
long 8.26%
american 7.22%
recent 6.91%
family 4.01%
modern 2.74%
medical 2.04%
olympic 1.53%
human 1.51%
personal 1.48%
political 1.24%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
每页显示:    共 823