11.   Even those who welcome Western efforts to punish Yugoslav Federation leader Slobodan Milosevic for the recent Kosovo crisis are annoyed.

12.   Even before the recent crisis, Belarus had the reputation of a country frozen in time.

13.   Even before the recent economic crisis, there was a danger that such over-enthusiasm might create over-capacity.

14.   Golden said that the recent crises in the market have convinced politicians that changes have to be made.

15.   He also said Singapore Airlines had been planning these changes for two years and that it would proceed with them, despite the recent crisis in the Asian economy.

16.   He said the recent Barings derivatives crisis hurt Indosuez by cutting demand for derivatives, which are investment products that derive their value from an underling security.

17.   He said the recent Barings derivatives crisis hurt Indosuez by cutting demand for derivatives, investment products that derive their value from an underling security.

18.   His ship, the Sitkinak, had regularly picked up Cuban nationals before the recent crisis.

19.   However, such dreams are punctured whenever television screens become dominated again with some Balkans misadventure, such as the recent crisis in Macedonia.

20.   In an unusual move, Dole has stepped up his criticism this week of President Clinton over his handling of the recent crisis in the Middle East.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
recent 0.76%
recent + n. >>共 673
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week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
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