1.   A basic task in political analysis is to determine whether there are some criteria by which political systems can be classified.

2.   A parochial orientation also implies the comparative absence of expectations of change initiated by the political system.

3.   A related classification of political systems also emphasizes aspects of the relationship between the rulers and the ruled.

4.   Alternative Concepts of Accountability Public accountability is a essential component for the functioning of our political system.

5.   Among contemporary political systems, situations like that in the imaginary system of Delta are widespread.

6.   Among the inputs from the environment, the most direct inputs to the political system are demands and supports.

7.   Another taxonomy for political systems is based on the system of political parties.

8.   Any political system that refuses to allow people to protest becomes a tyranny.

9.   Are you satisfied with your initial attempt to classify the political systems above?

a. + system >>共 925
new 7.36%
banking 3.04%
financial 3.02%
current 3.01%
political 2.87%
legal 2.87%
judicial 1.85%
such 1.39%
old 1.33%
sound 1.13%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
每页显示:    共 1003