1.   He is admired even by his political opponents.

2.   He was the victim of a plot by his political opponents.

3.   His mistakes provided political opponents with even more ammunition.

4.   His political opponents demanded his resignation.

5.   His political opponents have accused him of corruption and Deceit.

6.   I have always found it a great advantage to loathe my political opponents.

7.   In his early days, as congressman, senator and vice president, he was a vicious political opponent.

8.   It is difficult to know what principles - if any - guide our political opponents.

9.   Lanier, a Democrat, argues that he was set up for conviction by his political opponents.

10.   Logan, a long-serving Congressman, was both feared and respected by his political opponents.

a. + opponent >>共 1107
political 13.40%
republican 4.92%
democratic 4.27%
formidable 2.05%
next 1.98%
staunch 1.67%
leading 1.67%
vocal 1.47%
outspoken 1.37%
potential 1.35%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
每页显示:    共 896