1.   All the major players now offer a range of minimum price contracts, which will use options and futures indirectly.

2.   China is now a major player in world affairs.

3.   Enron is expected to be a major player in the new California Market.

4.   He eventually sold these rights for a six-figure sum to a major player in the software Market.

5.   Heavy investment and brand support is promised by all the major players this year.

6.   Other major players in the Las Vegas casino Market came along for the ride.

7.   Saatchi people always know the value of mixing it with major international players.

8.   The Bank is a major player in the sterling money Market, buying and selling Treasury bills on a daily basis.

9.   The Palatinate was a major player in the war which was both political and religious with alignments changing as events developed.

a. + player >>共 757
best 4.30%
key 3.72%
young 3.65%
former 3.36%
top 3.10%
only 2.42%
first 2.24%
the 2.13%
major 1.99%
great 1.94%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
每页显示:    共 702