61.   Both responded to Republican criticism of the agreement by stating that the agreement helped to head off a major crisis in the region.

62.   But in spite of their maneuvering, both sides are obviously trying to avoid a showdown that could entail a major political crisis.

63.   But the peace process cannot drift indefinitely because a new deadline is already looming, this one with a major crisis built in.

64.   Fernandez succeeded veteran President Joaquin Balaguer and faced down a major crisis last week when he forced half the generals in the top-heavy Dominican army into retirement.

65.   Government and opposition leaders alike were nervous that Yeltsin may trigger a major new political crisis, the last thing this depression-mired country needs.

66.   He has pushed it through a major economic crisis.

67.   He said the Vancouver area is additionally facing a major HIV crisis because of intravenous drug use.

68.   He said Yeltsin wanted a major crisis.

69.   However, Netanyahu faced a major political crisis with coalition allies threatening to bolt his government and his personal reputation and credibility damaged.

70.   However, party sources said it was heading towards a major crisis.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
major 0.94%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
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crisis 0.20%
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