1.   Brady bonds rose for a third day after a Japanese economic stimulus plan prompted a rebound in Asian stocks and currencies.

2.   Even so, this plan is actually stronger than most of the other Japanese economic stimulus measures of the past few years, he said.

3.   Talk of a Japanese economic stimulus package helped the dollar and, in turn, lifted bonds at the opening.

4.   Talk of a Japanese economic stimulus package helped the dollar overnight and, in turn, lifted bonds at the opening.

5.   The dollar fell after the U.S. reported a widening trade deficit and investors grew pessimistic that a new Japanese economic stimulus plan would correct the imbalance, analysts said.

6.   They could have been paving the way for the release of a Japanese fiscal stimulus package Friday.

7.   Though Posen would like to see even larger tax cuts, it can no longer be said that Japanese fiscal stimulus is lacking.

8.   Investors sold yen for dollars, betting that the Japanese stimulus package would boost the U.S. currency.

9.   Japanese stimulus packages in the past have been deemed too timid to work effectively.

10.   Market players feel the Japanese economic stimulus package will do little for the dollar.

a. + stimulus >>共 232
economic 42.03%
fiscal 7.59%
new 3.80%
additional 2.36%
japanese 1.52%
visual 1.35%
fresh 1.18%
external 1.10%
upcoming 1.01%
further 0.93%
japanese + n. >>共 768
yen 5.69%
government 5.37%
company 4.46%
stock 3.72%
official 3.37%
bank 2.34%
market 2.30%
economy 2.09%
exporter 1.85%
investor 1.78%
stimulus 0.04%
每页显示:    共 18