1.   Among other things, it calls for increased public works spending as a fiscal stimulus.

2.   And in Japan, where fiscal stimulus has been tried and tried, the policy has apparently been a total failure.

3.   And the German mark remained strong despite the big fiscal stimulus provided by unification with East Germany.

4.   Applying fiscal stimulus through a tax cut now would be likely to bring on even higher interest rates.

5.   As far as one can tell, the ultimate shape of the fiscal stimulus package is still fluid.

6.   Aside from a fiscal stimulus, one way in which Japan could strengthen the economy is with a major deregulation package.

7.   A feeble fiscal stimulus plan would put the central bank under more pressure to lower rates to provide a boost to the economy, traders said.

8.   A nation long educated to fear federal budget deficits may resist fiscal stimulus when it is needed.

9.   Above all, before Obuchi took office the Parliament passed a huge fiscal stimulus package, which will trickle through the economy this fall and generate some growth.

10.   Actually, Greenspan specifically rejected the use of tax cuts as a fiscal stimulus.

a. + stimulus >>共 232
economic 42.03%
fiscal 7.59%
new 3.80%
additional 2.36%
japanese 1.52%
visual 1.35%
fresh 1.18%
external 1.10%
upcoming 1.01%
further 0.93%
fiscal + n. >>共 600
policy 10.17%
deficit 5.49%
discipline 5.15%
conservative 4.06%
responsibility 3.25%
reform 3.04%
crisis 2.99%
stimulus 2.34%
austerity 2.11%
third-quarter 2.08%
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