1.   Banks, through modern communications and worldwide correspondents, provide assistance to customers engaged in international trade.

2.   But should the foreign ministry continue to be in charge of international trade matters?

3.   But the dollar was regarded as a strong currency and was therefore popular in international trade.

4.   Campaigners argue that poor countries faced with a health emergency have a right under international trade legislation to buy generic drugs.

5.   Contrary to appearances, Mabel was a business student pursuing an advanced degree in international trade at Xiamen University.

6.   Corporate finance, international trade and export development.

7.   Development studies During the last Decade, the international trade in conventional weapons has almost doubled in volume every five years.

8.   Evidence of the growing importance of international trade and finance is all around us.

9.   In international trade, however, the bill of exchange still operates in this way.

10.   Instead, the main ingredient of success appears to be that they have consistently geared themselves to the needs of international trade.

a. + trade >>共 867
international 7.30%
foreign 3.68%
bilateral 3.66%
global 3.63%
new 2.23%
normal 1.54%
japanese 1.37%
illegal 1.32%
regional 1.30%
major 1.28%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
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