1.   Another harvest has failed, and international aid agencies warn of the threat of mass starvation.

2.   Development and international aid are frequently misguided in inception, disastrous in execution and catastrophic for the local people.

3.   International aid agencies launched an appeal for emergency aid.

4.   One of the areas which the social psychology of envy illuminates best is the modem craze for policies of international aid.

5.   The sanctions could prevent international aid agencies from delivering food and medicine.

6.   These have frequently been made in response to pressure from major international aid donors.

7.   This sparked an unprecedented international aid effort.

8.   While the locals are reassured by international aid and the presence of specialists, they also look to other sources of succour.

9.   They have made an urgent request for international aid.

10.   Development plans for the next decade envisaged large-scale investment in agriculture and in industry, principally backed by foreign investment and international aid.

a. + aid >>共 434
humanitarian 15.06%
international 12.20%
financial 10.70%
military 4.03%
economic 3.98%
federal 3.92%
state 3.13%
emergency 2.57%
medical 1.88%
american 1.74%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
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