11.   Advances in technology have enabled crisis managers and journalists to communicate with encryption or log on and file during even the most challenging international crises.

12.   Adoption agency officials say they are used to a surge of interest any time an international crisis puts displaced children on the nightly TV news and newspaper front pages.

13.   Burns, who lectured at Morehouse College on Monday, has come to some rather unconventional conclusions about this president as he faces his most serious international crisis.

14.   But Italy also has a lot at stake in the Albanian voting, including its own credibility as an international crisis manager.

15.   But now that the international financial crisis is buffeting Brazil and the rest of Latin America, all bets are off.

16.   Chevron and Texaco will still become a dominant extractor of American crude oil, and in an international crisis could exploit that position to affect prices at the pump.

17.   Clinton and his team handled several international financial crises adeptly, and despite occasional protests from exporters, they stuck consistently to a policy of supporting a strong dollar.

18.   Colleagues said constant travel and a succession of international crises had exhausted him.

19.   Despite a few missteps, some of which were broadcast live on CNN, Carter defused a brewing international crisis that might have led to war.

20.   Diplomatic efforts are cost-efficient because they help prevent international crises from getting truly messy, Christopher said.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
international 0.99%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
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force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
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crisis 0.22%
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