1.   Even as a humanitarian mission it has been only a qualified success.

2.   The head of a UN humanitarian mission to northern Iraq, Eric Suy, also expressed doubts about the viability of a UN enclave on Iraqi territory.

3.   And in peacetime, the aircraft has brought aid to areas of famine, and joined in other humanitarian missions -- the latest to wartorn Sarajevo.

4.   Anil is a young forensic anthropologist who returns from the United States to her homeland, Sri Lanka, on a humanitarian mission.

5.   -- A plan by Finland and Sweden that would allow European Union military operations for humanitarian missions such as peacekeeping and crisis management.

6.   A small humanitarian mission from the Northwest left Monday to deliver medicine and toys to hospitals in Baghdad in defiance of United Nations sanctions against Iraq.

7.   Add Haiti and Bosnia to the humanitarian mission in Rwanda, and American forces could soon be conspicuously active in three continents.

8.   Bush also says he would use the US military much more sparingly on humanitarian missions.

9.   But as a humanitarian mission developed, that objection faded away.

10.   But even some who support the humanitarian missions fear the Air Force campaign will not do much to stave off the looming Afghan famine.

a. + mission >>共 1152
peacekeeping 11.64%
diplomatic 7.04%
fact-finding 4.84%
training 3.24%
military 2.75%
new 2.62%
humanitarian 2.28%
first 1.66%
international 1.56%
combat 1.20%
humanitarian + n. >>共 344
aid 25.35%
organization 4.12%
assistance 3.92%
group 3.37%
supply 3.13%
ground 2.80%
agency 2.71%
mission 2.67%
crisis 2.51%
worker 2.43%
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