1.   He said that international humanitarian agencies have been compelled to withdraw from the areas concerned.

2.   As it does so, it should remember not to mix human rights and humanitarian agencies.

3.   Aboard our trucks were tons of aid supplies flown in on the Sarajevo airlift by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, the lead humanitarian agency in former Yugoslavia.

4.   But these Swiss do not believe the swelling accusations against their country has weakened its vaunted neutrality or its tradition as a home for humanitarian agencies.

5.   CARE must coordinate its work with other humanitarian agencies and local authorities.

6.   Ciampini said he forged links with the Bosnian army, humanitarian agencies and civilian officials during his time in the country.

7.   Despite mass emigration of humanitarian agencies and shortages of raw materials, parts and foreign currency, repairs were made at an astonishingly swift rate.

8.   Despite all the aid and the presence of scores of foreign experts and humanitarian agencies, social problems overwhelm Cambodia.

9.   Falt said humanitarian agencies will try to persevere.

10.   For those too poor to buy the food, the humanitarian agencies will sponsor food for work programs.

a. + agency >>共 565
federal 16.42%
state 6.93%
advertising 4.21%
international 4.10%
new 3.51%
regulatory 3.24%
independent 2.24%
the 1.74%
humanitarian 1.72%
rating 1.66%
humanitarian + n. >>共 344
aid 25.35%
organization 4.12%
assistance 3.92%
group 3.37%
supply 3.13%
ground 2.80%
agency 2.71%
mission 2.67%
crisis 2.51%
worker 2.43%
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