91.   Its members are supposed to assess the scale of the humanitarian crisis gripping Yugoslavia and what might be needed when the fighting stops.

92.   It is to deal mainly with humanitarian crises and peacekeeping, deploying in situations where NATO does not want to get involved.

93.   Liberia does not have the means to handle the worsening humanitarian crisis in northern Lofa County, Information Minister Joe Mulbah said in a statement.

94.   Meanwhile, fears rose of a new humanitarian crisis in the Bihac enclave in northwest Bosnia.

95.   Meanwhile, a Serb push on another Muslim enclave, Bihac in northwestern Bosnia, raised fears of another humanitarian crisis.

96.   Meanwhile, the United Nations admitted that the humanitarian crisis in East Timor is much worse than expected.

97.   Military officials must plan how the armed forces will help ease the humanitarian crisis and avoid killing civilians.

98.   Near Blace on the Macedonian border, a U.S. Congressional delegation toured jammed refugee camps as part of a mission to assess the humanitarian crisis.

99.   Near Blace, a U.S. congressional delegation toured the jammed refugee camps near the border as part of a mission to assess the humanitarian crisis.

100.   Near Blace, a U.S. congressional delegation toured the jammed refugee camps near the border Sunday as part of a mission to assess the humanitarian crisis.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
humanitarian + n. >>共 344
aid 25.35%
organization 4.12%
assistance 3.92%
group 3.37%
supply 3.13%
ground 2.80%
agency 2.71%
mission 2.67%
crisis 2.51%
worker 2.43%
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