1.   A number of variations were seen in terms of population size, natural resource endowment, and current levels of development.

2.   At current Nikkei levels, analysts believe most banks already have implicit losses on these equity portfolios.

3.   But at current levels the shares are a firm hold.

4.   Congress now seems inclined to settle temporarily for a catch-all budget measure that would freeze federal spending at current levels.

5.   Current levels of traffic seriously undermine the quality of life in our cities.

6.   Foreign-exchange reserves have been maintained at their current low level only by failing to pay back some foreign debt.

7.   Is he worried that it has taken such a deep and prolonged recession to reduce inflation to its current level?

8.   That would leave those short of pounds at current levels exposed to large losses.

9.   The cost of planning delays With current levels of interest can rapidly erode profit Margins.

a. + level >>共 586
high 10.25%
highest 6.88%
lowest 4.21%
low 4.18%
higher 4.15%
record 2.99%
current 2.92%
lower 2.79%
new 2.19%
same 2.15%
current + n. >>共 1075
law 3.14%
system 3.03%
crisis 2.26%
situation 2.02%
level 1.95%
government 1.32%
president 1.07%
issue 1.04%
price 0.97%
problem 0.96%
每页显示:    共 677