1.   His father was a quiet man, but he was surprisingly well informed on current issues.

2.   However, at the risk of underestimating such differences, certain current issues can be picked out.

3.   In addition, the automated check-in facility will alert readers to current issues of periodicals as soon as they are processed.

4.   It organises seminars and educational programmes on a wide range of current issues.

5.   Students love Streetwise, especially because of the current issues.

6.   The senator is known for making facile judgments on current issues.

7.   What do you think is the most important current issue in fishkeeping?

8.   Every teacher ought to be challenging kids to think about current issues.

9.   By now, probably half the small ads in the current issue had been placed by aliens.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
current 1.13%
current + n. >>共 1075
law 3.14%
system 3.03%
crisis 2.26%
situation 2.02%
level 1.95%
government 1.32%
president 1.07%
issue 1.04%
price 0.97%
problem 0.96%
每页显示:    共 360