41.   And some of us will consider the possibility of disembodied spirits running around in houses or even pulling poltergeist pranks.

42.   And there have been signs that Kim is considering that possibility, for example, by tolerating the growth of small private produce markets.

43.   And they will look for people who are willing to consider the possibility that Yates suffers from a chemical imbalance.

44.   Anger flashed in his eyes as he considered the possibility of higher taxes.

45.   And while the painting seems secure for now, Lieutenant Jordan has considered the possibilities.

46.   Arizona coach Vince Tobin still was considering that possibility.

47.   As part of the agreement, the two companies said they would consider possibilities for further cooperation.

48.   As part of the agreement, the companies said they would consider cooperation possibilities.

49.   As Steinbrenner walked through the clubhouse on Sunday, he was asked if he has considered the possibility of trading Martinez and signing Vaughn.

50.   Asked why the heroine becomes a pig, as opposed to some other animal, Darrieussecq is startled, as if she had never considered this possibility before.

v. + possibility >>共 498
raise 14.36%
discuss 9.06%
open 7.86%
explore 4.89%
consider 4.84%
investigate 3.57%
study 3.39%
face 3.12%
include 2.30%
dismiss 2.01%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
每页显示:    共 356