1.   Plans to restore the original library building in Hamburg include the possibility of exchanging and sharing resources with London.

2.   Several theories of planetary formation include the possibility of disturbance to axial spins during the late stages of formation of a planet.

3.   Saddam apparently approves a PLO plan including possibility of a referendum in Kuwait on union with Iraq.

4.   The information in the electronic laboratory notebook can be highly integrated including the possibility of other media.

5.   This includes the possibility that, for example, hospital patients or backward children could improve spontaneously even without X.

6.   American officials have offered many hypotheses for the killing of DeVine, including the possibility that he had stumbled across army involvement in drug or timber smuggling.

7.   Among them is continued uncertainty about the progress of the battles in Yugoslavia, including the possibility of a ground war involving American troops.

8.   And though their leaders still reject it, conferences of the major political parties are calling for tax reform, including the possibility of a consumption tax.

9.   Bates said investigators were pursuing a variety of scenarios, including the possibility that Hogan had a fishing accident in the rainy weather on Sunday.

10.   Before the Time Warner bid, Gates had discussed tie-ups, including the possibility of taking an equity stake, with Chairman Ted Turner.

v. + possibility >>共 498
raise 14.36%
discuss 9.06%
open 7.86%
explore 4.89%
consider 4.84%
investigate 3.57%
study 3.39%
face 3.12%
include 2.30%
dismiss 2.01%
include + n. >>共 1616
one 1.81%
child 1.37%
member 1.09%
woman 0.89%
provision 0.88%
people 0.77%
representative 0.72%
comment 0.70%
information 0.63%
picture 0.54%
possibility 0.27%
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