31.   Unless, however, such a possibility is considered, the onlooker is not really appreciating what the ritual means to the religious person.

32.   It may be appropriate therefore, for schools or Dioceses to consider the possibility of awarding such pupils some form of Certificate of Course Completed.

33.   FAST does not consider the possibility of a social discontinuity or rupture as a necessary Step towards the biosociety.

34.   They rallied behind him despite an interview at the weekend in which he suggested he had considered the possibility of a contest for the leadership after this year.

35.   SOME of these difficulties might be avoided if the United Nations would broaden its approach to consider the possibility of punishing what are now called international crimes.

36.   POLICE investigating the death of a man in Glasgow are considering the possibility that it may be drugs-related.

37.   It is patently clear that the Blues must sell to buy or consider the possibility of exchange deals.

38.   And he looked almost peaceful as he considered the possibility.

39.   And he said that neither man considered the possibility that questions of propriety might be raised about a senator taking lodging with a top executive of a lobbying firm.

40.   And now as a nation we are at least considering the possibility of putting a portion of our Social Security money in the same pot.

v. + possibility >>共 498
raise 14.36%
discuss 9.06%
open 7.86%
explore 4.89%
consider 4.84%
investigate 3.57%
study 3.39%
face 3.12%
include 2.30%
dismiss 2.01%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
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