31.   As a result, economists say, Singapore could emerge from the Asian economic crisis in better shape than the normally resilient Hong Kong.

32.   As the Asian crisis recedes, Gonzalez is finally seeing his business improve.

33.   As the Asian economic crisis has spread to engulf Russia and to threaten Latin America all talk of a Fed rate increase has disappeared.

34.   As usual with such events, the Asian crisis is a mixed blessing for the U.S. economy.

35.   Asia Pulp and Paper became the first Indonesian company to enter the market since the Asian financial crisis devastated the economy.

36.   Asked if the worst of the Asian crisis was past, Clinton said he was not sure.

37.   At a time when Hong Kong is caught in the downdraft of the Asian economic crisis, that is one distinction it could do without.

38.   At the same time, however, the Asian crisis was landing full-force in the Americas.

39.   At the time, central bankers were afraid the Asian financial crisis and the collapse of Russia would lead to a severe slowdown in western Europe.

40.   Attitudes toward mainland Chinese have also hardened in the wake of the Asian economic crisis.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
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