1.   New budget measures were approved Tuesday by the Russian parliament.

2.   To amend the Constitution voters must approve the measure in a referendum.

3.   Voters overwhelmingly approved a measure last month to exempt the ballpark from waterfront development restrictions.

4.   In order to get supplies through, the Soviet parliament approved special measures allowing the military to take over the railways.

5.   Consequently, despite unanimous condemnation of such attacks, specific measures were not approved.

6.   Although some measures have been approved by both the Senate and House, others still have to be reported out of committee and debated on the floor.

7.   And it was a victory for the majority of California voters who approved the measure last November.

8.   And two years ago, the state approved a measure that limits all but emergency health care to illegals.

9.   And the reason that they approved the measure Monday, in particular, was Cody Spencer, star senior linebacker and sometime not-so-serious student.

10.   Arizona approved a measure allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana to relieve the pain and suffering of patients who are seriously ill.

v. + measure >>共 446
take 15.60%
approve 4.95%
oppose 3.96%
pass 3.61%
support 2.75%
announce 2.72%
veto 2.52%
adopt 2.38%
introduce 2.35%
include 1.99%
approve + n. >>共 673
plan 6.67%
bill 5.83%
deal 4.40%
measure 3.74%
legislation 2.90%
merger 2.56%
proposal 2.19%
resolution 2.10%
agreement 2.07%
sale 2.00%
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