81.   A recent report from Amnesty International gave roughly the same assessment, noting that two prisoners died in Bahraini jails, apparently from mistreatment.

82.   A recent report from BankAmerica agrees.

83.   A recent report from researchers in Dublin traced moderately high homocysteine levels to a common gene mutation that results in a defective enzyme involved in homocysteine metabolism.

84.   A recent report in the Journal of Medical Ethics indicates that Dutch physicians routinely ignore established euthanasia guidelines created to protect patients against abuse.

85.   A recent report in The Journal of the American Medical Association made note of a little-known danger associated with digging large holes in dry sand.

86.   A recent report in The Lancet added to fears that calcium channel blockers may increase the risk of developing a variety of cancers.

87.   A recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine said that cancer is more often tied to lifestyle than genes.

88.   A recent report presented to Riordan by the New Vision Business Council of Southern California raises such a concern.

89.   A recent HUD inspector general report criticizes HUD for hiring InTown.

90.   A recent manufacturing report from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve has shown new orders, shipments, prices and employment prospects declining in August.

a. + report >>共 514
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year 20.30%
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day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
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