1.   The government then adopted the guillotine procedure to push the legislation through.

2.   Already, Republican Senator Jesse Helms is pushing legislation barring US participation in the permanent international criminal court.

3.   And McCain said he thought he had more than an even chance of finally pushing his legislation through the Senate on his sixth try after years of being blocked.

4.   As for other issues, several unions are pushing trade legislation.

5.   At the beginning of this congressional session, Dunn sent a letter to all committee chairmen in the House, urging them to push legislation that would help women.

6.   Both Massachusetts senators are trying to push legislation in the Senate for a heating oil reserve system.

7.   - Nine deaths and hundreds of serious injuries later, two Arizona congressmen are pushing national legislation to make houseboats safer.

8.   A priority beyond streamlining existing small-business financing programs is pushing legislation aimed at enhancing regulatory flexibility.

9.   According to Kent Johnson, a tax partner at KPMG, the failure to achieve a two-thirds majority makes it hard for Congress to push though legislation.

10.   Advocates are pushing national legislation as well.

v. + legislation >>共 575
pass 13.30%
introduce 10.92%
approve 5.23%
sign 3.77%
support 3.69%
veto 3.50%
enact 2.69%
draft 2.68%
consider 2.27%
oppose 2.21%
push 1.91%
push + n. >>共 1862
price 6.86%
button 2.98%
envelope 2.17%
way 2.12%
legislation 1.62%
ball 1.49%
yield 1.47%
issue 1.33%
dollar 1.21%
bill 1.21%
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