61.  As Berry ultimately discovered, the solution may involve joining an association that offers health coverage to members.

62.  Despite the fact that the line is undergoing a major renovation, there is an attitude that whoever ultimately lines up will get the job done.

63.  Dickstein sought formal shareholder support for its plan, and the company ultimately announced a $75 million stock buyback.

64.  Did we think it would ultimately drive him from office?

65.  Despite the power of the justices, then, there is ultimately a public element in what they do: an interplay between court and country.

66.  Despite the wrangling, observers are hopeful a deal will ultimately be forged.

67.  Despite their titles, however, these shows ultimately have far more to do with making it into the next century than with chronicling this one.

68.  David's redemption ultimately consists of his coming to grips with his own mortality, but that redemption lacks conviction.

69.  Director George Lucas has turned his former puppet into a totally digitized Jedi master with more expertly defined features and, ultimately, more freedom to move.

70.  Dimitri Mitropoulos (1949-57) was heroic but ultimately ineffectual.

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