21.  Although increased attention to conservation and bringing more supplies online may sound mundane, that is ultimately what will fix the problem.

22.  Art is ultimately about empathy, toward which Orozco's work consistently inclines us.

23.  Despite the flurry around new cellphones, experts say that the key to attracting a teen-age market may ultimately center less on the devices than on economics.

24.  Despite running the numbers and studying sociological data, Regele says that ultimately, Percept's 170 clients' success depends on the personal touch.

25.  Despite strong, volatile performances by Friels and Ms. Buday, neither half of the story ultimately gets its due.

26.  Despite such accords, critics complained that the commission's effectiveness was ultimately undermined by unyielding positions among some members.

27.  Despite the absence of clashes on the Golan Heights after the 1974 disengagement accord, the peace talks between Syria and Israel ultimately foundered on their mutual suspicions.

28.  Despite the tempests they have stirred, these controversial works will ultimately be a historical blip.

29.  Despite the turmoil throughout the world, religious leaders say, ultimately, people's faith in God will carry them through.

30.  Despite the unpredictable nature of the June primary, political consultants assume Republicans ultimately will vote for Republicans, Democrats for Democrats.

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