1.  Any prospect or middle infielder, we'd feel that, too.

2.  Defensively, the Vikings are lacking, too.

3.  Deputy district attorney Christopher Darden, meanwhile, had the most controversial style, described alternately by lawyers as too repetitive and assuringly low-key in his presentation Tuesday.

4.  Deputy INS general counsel Dea Carpenter said the government lawyers are spread too thin.

5.  Dennehy is too fine an actor to impersonate the coach, but his effort to portray Knight is hampered by the audience's familiarity with this character.

6.  Dennis Byrd and Al Toon, whose Jets careers each ended five years ago this weekend; Byrd because of partial paralysis, Toon because of too many concussions.

7.  Dennis Franchione hopes his friends and the people back in Fort Worth understand, too.

8.  Dennis said that the tesobonos did not sell because the interest rate was too low.

9.  Dennis Telzrow of The Principal Financial Securities Inc. in Dallas said he doubted that CompUSA would try to merge its operations too closely with PCs Compleat.

10.  Denser settlements may be the right thing to do, but if they're too expensive for most working-class families, this compromises the solution.

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