81.  Curiously enough, in the United States in the 1930s we, too, invented a national music and dance that had the potential to unify our nation.

82.  Curiously, the pro-lifers and the Christian Coalition secretly assume that reversion, too.

83.  Curly the black-handed spider monkey was too aggressive for his peers.

84.  Delta said that it is now losing about $8 million a day; it too predicted a loss this quarter.

85.  Currency traders often take U.S. officials' remarks about trade imbalances as a signal of concern that the dollar may be too strong.

86.  Currency turmoil continued elsewhere in the region, too.

87.  Current and former aides are only beginning to come to terms with the fact that the president lied to them, too.

88.  Delta will probably report a record quarterly profit, too, when it reports its fiscal 1995 results July 27.

89.  Current efforts depend too much on the word of the recipient generals.

90.  Deluded into thinking that they will be protected, civilians in danger remain in place until it is too late to flee.

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