81.  Each Aquila share thus would be worth $19.76 based on Wednesday's close.

82.  Each child has decided to make his or her own movement, thus destroying the message of Passover's liberation.

83.  Each holds five million shares of the company, thus adding to Silicon Valley's population of young Internet multimillionaires.

84.  Each non-English-speaking country thus has its own code and there are incompatibilities among them.

85.  Each new advance permits the drive makers to reduce the number of moving parts in their disk drives, thus driving down costs at a remarkable rate.

86.  Each party thus commands patronage and perpetual veto power over the other.

87.  Each of these steps would impose huge costs on the industry _ and thus car buyers _ with uncertain benefits, Stanton said.

88.  Each supporter recruits five people, who in turn reach out to five others, and so on, thus spawning a web of support throughout the state.

89.  Director Frank Galati so deftly staged the performance that the web of domestic dysfunctionality tightened almost imperceptibly and thus more powerfully.

90.  Each partition, composed of several panels, thus brings to mind a wall of Samsonite Rothkos.

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