91.  As a result, square envelopes require additional handling, and thus the 11-cent surcharge.

92.  Each top can go solo as well, even to the office, thus stretching your options.

93.  Directors did not closely question management and the accountants and thus failed to ferret out the accounting irregularities.

94.  Disabling diseases such as arthritis may limit a woman's mobility and thus her ability to maintain social contacts.

95.  EAI incurred the wrath of the Baltimore teachers by requiring classroom teaching aides to have college degrees, thus forcing about 100 union members out of the classroom.

96.  During the 1995 lockout, a large segment of the membership decided the smartest strategy would be to decertify the union, thus rendering the league's lockout illegal.

97.  Disney said it was also important to have confirmation that collisions of galaxies could be a factor in feeding black holes, thus generating the energies emitted by quasars.

98.  Early action, moreover, would give the Fed flexibility to lower rates if the economy slows too much going into 1998 and thus avert a recession.

99.  Early changes increased the sensitivity of coastal marine ecosystems to subsequent disturbances and thus preconditioned the collapse we are witnessing," they said.

100.  Early fund-raising is thus more important than ever.

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