81.  As a cat-and-mouse crime story, "Ransom" is good enough, although there's too much slack in the suspense.

82.  Desirable behavior should be rewarded with praise and positive reinforcement, so children understand "how much value there is" in it, Wyckoff said.

83.  DeSoto Councilman Jim Filyaw said there should be greater emissions cuts required from the cement kilns in Ellis County.

84.  Desperate for any details that can help me judge whether there is any truth to this story, I ask him for the names of the men.

85.  Delchamps said that there is no guarantee that it will sell the company.

86.  Cummins acknowledges that there are hitches, but he says that overall, credit scores have proven to be "very good predictors" of creditor performance.

87.  Cumnock said there was no conflict between his advice and his clients' needs.

88.  Cunningham said there was evidence that interest in fly fishing had plateaued and might soon show a decline.

89.  Depressed that there's no more "Seinfeld?"

90.  DEPRESSION-HEALTH-NYT _ There is a perception in some circles that everyone either is taking an antidepressant or knows someone who is taking one.

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