41.  Although HIV kills the immune cells sent to kill the virus, there is widespread variation in the rate at which HIV infected people become ill with AIDS.

42.  Del Negro said there are various styles of pool covers that range in price from as little as $150 to $8,000.

43.  Del Ponte also said she is pressing NATO peacekeepers in Bosnia to make more arrests there.

44.  Delahunt acknowledged there are cases in which cameras are not appropriate.

45.  Delaware forbids minors to get abortions until 24 hours after one parent has been notified, though there is a judicial bypass provision.

46.  DeLay did not stop there.

47.  DeRosa admits there were many times he didn't think he'd make the majors at all.

48.  Derrick Coleman was the major signing, and if he is n shape, there is no telling how far Charlotte goes.

49.  Derrick Thomas was there.

50.  Derry had never contended with a Puissance-style obstacle, but he cleared it at 6-6, and Ward let the lesson end there.

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