1.  Although his union of skilled workers was sometimes considered relatively conservative within the labor movement, Winpisinger advocated mass labor organizing.

2.  Although his wearable computer system sometimes elicited stares, he never encountered any problems going through the security gates at airports.

3.  Although Hobsbawm claims to write for nonacademic readers, he presumes a general and sometimes quite specific knowledge of the century's events.

4.  Dennis Miller is clever, iconoclastic, sometimes irritating, sometimes insightful, and always ready to indulge a penchant for polysyllabic pontification.

5.  Dennis Rodman, madly tattooed and polychromatically thatched, is often an eyeful, sometimes an earful, but always a handful.

6.  Definitions are accompanied by always playful, sometimes zany, often animated illustrations and pictures.

7.  Derivatives are sometimes high-risk contracts tied to an underlying index such as stocks, interest rates, or currencies.

8.  Dehere sometimes sparked Clippers rallies with quality minutes and other times made mental errors or took bad shots.

9.  Desai typically spends a long time, years sometimes, collecting material, reading, researching, thinking, "scribbling," before she begins writing.

10.  Design bureaus, which used to improve planes and even find buyers, are now separate from production companies, and sometimes even compete with them.

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