51.  As a girl, she said, she sometimes grew frustrated with the resistance of the boys and took her ball and ran home.

52.  Despite the bad name anthropometric systems have in some circles, they are sometimes useful to forensic scientists.

53.  Despite the diversity of the crews, Kollin said sometimes he is pigeon-holed.

54.  Despite the early concerns about quality and despite its sometimes raw nature, Kansas writes, the Internet has become a trusted medium for the delivery of news.

55.  Despite the embarrassment I sometimes feel, I also get great pleasure in seeing them in action, particularly George.

56.  Despite her bold and sometimes busy plates at Biba, Shire plans a very different sort of cuisine at Locke-Ober.

57.  Despite his adventurous streak, Jerry Schrimsher always emphasized safety and sometimes was viewed as overly conscientious by skydivers who wanted to push the envelope.

58.  Despite his unswerving beliefs, Edwards is still trying to fully justify the sometimes conflicting concepts of "God's decree" and mankind's "responsibility."

59.  Dempsey, the current executive director, acknowledged schools are pushing to raise revenues, which sometimes detract from their educational mission.

60.  Denise Brown says the group discussions in Louisville, the wordplay that sometimes turned to veiled sword-play, have been both heartening and disheartening.

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