81.  Director Allan Moyle portrayed a similar milieu so much more effectively in "Pump Up the Volume."

82.  Dirt "seems so much more fun than cleanliness.

83.  Earlier in the day, France's Jacques Chirac had given a speech touting Yeltsin's leadership that was not so much fallacious as fellatious.

84.  During that campaign Gore did not look so much stiff as numb, as if he had been knocked over the head with a bat.

85.  During the bull market, most stock-based investments have risen so much that the effect of high fees hasn't been obvious.

86.  During the selling, some stocks got beaten down so much that they became bargains.

87.  Do you buy so much French wine that your birthday is declared a local holiday in Bordeaux?

88.  Dylan and Jez share a fantasy apartment stuffed with so much bizarre bric-a-brac it looks more like a gaming arcade than a housing unit.

89.  Earl thanked me profusely, so much so that I was embarrassed.

90.  EARL-CALDWELL (Oakland, Calif.) _ Seldom has so much happened to one black journalist as Earl Caldwell has experienced in his career.

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