61.  Amid so much derivative art, these achievements cast long shadows.

62.  As a pacifist, he insists that he is not so much anti-noise as he is pro-tranquillity.

63.  As a result, the industry soft-pedaled Tuesday's announcement so much that it was almost lost in the din of the trade show.

64.  As a result, there are doubts about the bank's ability to succeed in Bosnia, where the scale of the problem is so much bigger.

65.  Donald Miller quotes a visitor to Chicago in the 1890s who remarked on the curious image of a downtown _ one so much unlike that of Boston.

66.  Don't worry about reservations _ there's so much seating you won't have to wait long.

67.  Driver retention is one reason Swift buys so much new equipment.

68.  Driving in from the airport, you don't so much enter the city as have it suddenly unveiled.

69.  Despots hate nothing so much as individual autonomy.

70.  During his election campaign in the spring of 2000, Putin told reporters that his two daughters had a beloved white toy poodle that he didn't like so much.

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