71.  Do you really think it is a coincidence that O.J. Simpson is charged with the murder of two people shortly after attending his daughter's dance recital?

72.  DeMarco said Mantle requested shortly after his transplant surgery that the cancer diagnosis be kept a secret.

73.  D'Onofrio SA, the Gloria group's ice cream company believed to be acquired shortly by Nestle, dropped 2.54 percent to 1.15.

74.  Dow Jones corrected the comment shortly after to say Matsushita had merely stated that long-term interest rates had "set a new bottom."

75.  Doctors said the four boys and three girls, delivered by Caesarean section shortly after noon Wednesday, had had a restful night and were all in serious condition.

76.  Dodson, 33, was arrested on the Fourth of July; another City Gas employee, Walter Samuels, 32, was arrested shortly afterward.

77.  Douglas asked Olson for his release shortly before Arizona was to open the season.

78.  Dozens of tough-looking young men moved in and out of his office shortly before the curfew began to collect the yellow armbands.

79.  Dole called Clinton around noon, shortly before the afternoon announcement.

80.  Demonstrations were scattered among the convention halls, and these "whatchamacallit" disks and players should be in the hands of consumers by Christmas 1996 or shortly thereafter.

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