11.  Although Israel had urged restraint, he flew to Cairo shortly before the war to sign a defense treaty with Nasser, despite Nasser's earlier plotting against him.

12.  Despite the law, some hunting persisted until shortly after World War II.

13.  Dahmer was pronounced dead shortly after 9 a.m.

14.  Details are expected to be announced shortly, along with the fate of the Oakland site.

15.  Detectives were still interviewing witnesses on Monday night, but they said the robbery began shortly after 7 p.m., according to a deputy chief at the scene.

16.  Deputies said the suicide occurred shortly before 3:30 p.m. Friday.

17.  Derek Edwards, a Washington Heights resident who said he regularly runs on the trail shortly after sunrise, described the community of joggers as small and familiar.

18.  Dallas-based Heritage Media said it will hold a special shareholder meeting Monday to vote on the transaction, expected to close shortly after the vote.

19.  Despite a flood of good intentions, the nation has failed to live up to the promises made at, or shortly after, the Earth Summit.

20.  Dana Dingle discovered that shortly after taking up the sport at age 6.

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