1.  Deputy District Attorney Lauren Weis said some parents refused to cooperate with investigators, but she declined to elaborate.

2.  Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark immediately announced she would appeal Ito's decision.

3.  Denise Davidoff, a moderator in the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, chided Clinton for having an affair with Lewinsky when she was a low-level White House employee.

4.  Denise Smith, a Micron spokeswoman, said that the decision came after a review that also included eight advertising agencies she declined to identify.

5.  Denish said she hoped the lead might change again after the 189 votes were counted.

6.  Denna Singleton, another member of the coalition, said she was not actively involved in campus politics until the Lawrence episode.

7.  Denne, the Enron spokeswoman, said that she was not aware of any attempts by Dynegy to renegotiate the deal.

8.  Dennis McAuliffe's grandmother, Sybil Beekman, owned 657 oil-dense acres by the time she was 3 years old.

9.  Dent recalls that when she first went to target practice after getting the role, she cried at the realization of the power the gun represents.

10.  Defiantly glamorous in strappy high heels, she led her five-piece group with exhilarated poise.

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