31.  Third, rather than mere experience or even raw talent, it is dedicated, slogging, generally the \

32.  Though repeatedly practicing are difficult tasks for most of us , it can improve our vocational skills and expand our career experience.

33.  It is essential for an athlete to practice the most difficult physical task repeatedly, for a mathematician to perform new and highly intricate computations repeatedly, for an employee to accumulate transferable skills and the knowledge necessary repeatedly.

34.  For example , a mathematician should repeatedly practicing new and highly intricate computations so as to adapt to new situations .

35.  You can imitate the lines repeatedly and learn the expression of many English phrases.

36.  We are what we repeatedly do.

37.  In my opinion, the violent scenes in films, teleplays and computer games actually result in violent incidents repeatedly happening.

38.  Thus repeatedly, many students just take violence for granted!

39.  If people use things repeatedly, less productions are needed.

40.  What's worse, they even warn teenagers repeatedly that parents and watchdog may seek controls to avoid outrage from parents and civic groups.

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